4 tips for creating a strong online banking password

Cybercrime is becoming increasingly more common, 和 it’s likely to cost businesses 和 individuals $10.每年5万亿美元 by 2025. Last year, more than 1,000 数据泄露es were reported in the U.S.,数据泄露受到影响 超过155.800万人

Financial institutions such as banks 和 credit unions are falling victim to cybercrime more frequently. 2019年,超过1亿 第一资本在加拿大和美国的账户.S. 被暴露, impacting both small businesses 和 individuals. The leak exposed the personal 和 financial information of hundreds of millions of users, 比如他们的名字, 生日, 银行账号, 社会安全号码, 电子邮件地址, 信用评分, 平衡, 邮寄地址.

摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)也经历了下跌 数据泄露 在2014年的8300万个账户中, 泄露客户姓名, 邮寄地址, 电话号码和电子邮件地址. In 2019, 62%的泄露数据 发生在金融服务行业. Even more alarming, traditional antivirus software 和 firewalls 并不总是100%安全的.

Though 90% of internet users worry about their passwords getting stolen, statistics show that many aren’t doing enough to keep them secure.

  • More than half of individuals use passwords that they already have memorized.
  • 51% of internet users utilize the same passwords to protect their work 和 personal accounts.
  • The password “123456” is used by around 23 million people. 
  • A third of 数据泄露 victims stop doing business with organizations or websites responsible for the leak. 
  • The average password contains just eight characters or fewer.

As more consumers turn to mobile 和 online banking, the potential to inadvertently place one’s financial data into the wrong h和s becomes higher. 周围 196.800万美国人 会在2021年使用数字银行吗. How can consumers protect their personal 和 financial information? 设置复杂的密码会有所帮助.

Strong passwords help protect your online banking accounts.

把你的密码想成 第一道防线 针对网络犯罪. 是的, 用短的可能更容易, 简单的密码,很容易记住, 但这样做可能有风险. Employing longer 短语 that contain a combination of 数字, 信, 和 special characters improves online banking security, 使您的数据不易受到黑客攻击. 

1. 使用容易记住的短语.

Instead of combining one or two shorter words, use 短语 or short sentences that contain 信, 数字, 和 symbols. Don’t include your first or last name or any words that would be simple to guess (such as your street name, 高中吉祥物, 或者最喜欢的运动队). 

例如, 而不是使用" Pizza123 "作为密码, 使用短语, “我真的很喜欢意大利辣香肠披萨,或者“意大利辣香肠披萨是我最喜欢的食物。.” 

2. Implement a combination of 信, 数字, 和 symbols.

一个更有效的密码, replace certain 信 with characters or 数字 that are similar in appearance, 例如“A”和“@”或“L”和“1”.”

Instead of “IReallyLovePepperoniPizza,” use “1R3allyL0v3P3pp30n1P1zz@.这句话很容易记住, but the 数字 和 special characters make the password more complex 和 less vulnerable to cybercriminals. 

3. 测试你的密码.

有用的网站 Dashlane.compasswordmeter.com can help you generate unique passwords that will be effective against online hackers. If you’re worried about creating a password that may be too challenging to remember or have to regularly update your password, 可以考虑使用密码库 LastPass.

4. 更改密码.

网络安全专家不同意 about how often you should be changing your password, doing so will undoubtedly help further safeguard your online banking accounts. 取决于它的强度, a password should be swapped out for a new one every 3-6 months, 应该是这样 总是被改变 如果这是最近数据泄露的一部分. 

There are other ways to protect online banking accounts. 

In addition to using strong passwords, you can protect your online banking accounts if you: 

1. 使用多因素身份验证. 

确保你的 信用社或银行 提供成员 双因素或多因素身份验证 options, which provide additional protection for your online banking accounts. Multifactor authentication varies; it could include questions that only a specific person would know or a code sent to your email address or phone number. 

Use a strong password that contains different 信, 数字, 和 special characters instead of providing the answers to questions asked on your bank’s website, such as “What was the name of the street you grew up on?或者“你想在哪里退休??” 

2. 监控你的网上银行账户.

Logging into your online banking accounts 和 overseeing your credit 和 debit card transactions will help identify fraudulent charges or withdrawals as soon as they take place. 每周检查这些账户几次.

3. 如果发现可疑活动,立即采取行动.

If you think your financial information has been breached, contact your bank or credit union as soon as possible. Doing so will place alerts on your online banking accounts 和 freeze your credit or debit cards. 金融机构,如 德克萨斯理工信用社 allow members to report unauthorized financial activity conveniently on the app or website. 

Protecting your online banking data with strong passwords can help safeguard your accounts. It’s also imperative for banks 和 credit unions to have advanced security protocols that protect customers. 今天就注册一个账户 to learn how we protect our members’ financial information.